Understanding 4 Reasons for Miscarriage and Causes Behind It

Having a baby is something many couples desire. But it can be really heart-breaking when a pregnancy is terminated before its due time. Miscarriage is a difficult experience that happens when the pregnancy ends too early. 

Understanding why miscarriages happen can give couples and expectant parents an idea of what could go wrong and what they might do to potentially avoid it.

What Is Miscarriage?

A miscarriage happens when a woman does not continue with her pregnancy and it ends early. Most often these occur within the first three months of development in the uterus, also called the first trimester. Symptoms consist of bleeding, cramping or sudden stopping of pregnancy symptoms.

Common Miscarriage Causes

There are multiple reasons that cause miscarriage. These reasons may seem difficult but it is vital to understand them if you’re trying to conceive.

Genetic Factors

A number of times, miscarriages happen when there are issues with the chromosomes in children. These chromosomes exist as tiny parts of cells and carry the genetic code. Should they have any faultiness, the baby may not develop well, eventually leading to a miscarriage. However, it’s important to note that many times, genetic abnormalities just happen.

Health Conditions

Miscarriages can also result from the health conditions of a mother. Hormonal imbalances, chronic illnesses like diabetes or autoimmune diseases can affect pregnancies. For example, poorly controlled diabetes or thyroid problems from a mother may impact the chances of pregnancy. 

Managing these health issues properly is important as this would ensure healthy pregnancies; hence we advise that mothers monitor their health throughout their pregnancies. 

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices are also very important. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs can increase the risk of miscarriage. Poor nutrition and high levels of stress represent other factors that may cause miscarriages. Therefore, women trying to conceive should lead a healthy life that would minimise the risks of miscarriages.

In a recent article published in BeritaHarian, the story of Ms. Nooridah Ahmad highlights her journey with fertility challenges. As a dialysis nurse at the age of 37, Ms. Nooridah struggled to conceive for ten years. However, after visiting Highlander Fertility Wellness Centre and utilising our services, she was finally able to achieve pregnancy. Her experience demonstrates how specialized support can make a significant difference in overcoming fertility obstacles.

Risk Factors for Miscarriage

Some individuals are more prone to miscarriages due to a number of factors. Age is a key factor. Miscarriage rates tend to be higher in older women, particularly women aged 35 years and above, than the younger ones because the eggs quality may deteriorate with age thus making it difficult for the pregnancy to come to term.

Health Issues

Miscarriage risk can also increase when a woman has chronic ailments or infections. For instance, conditions such as lupus or kidney disease can affect the body’s ability to maintain a pregnancy. Therefore, women suffering from such conditions have to collaborate with their healthcare providers in order to better manage their health and comprehend risks related to it.

Lifestyle and Environment

High pressure, poor nourishment and exposure to harmful substances like pesticides or toxins are some of the factors that can contribute towards miscarriage. All these aspects are capable of negatively affecting a woman’s capability to bring her baby to full term. It is very important for expectant mothers to understand where they live and choose healthy ways of life that will support their pregnancies.

Miscarriage in the First Trimester

Majority of miscarriages happen within the first trimester, early on during pregnancies. Developmental stages of a baby are very delicate at this point in time. It is more likely to happen if there is something wrong with either the baby or its mother’s health status early on in gestation period. The first trimester is marked by rapid formation of organs and systems for the foetus. A mistake during this period may lead to premature loss.

Bleeding heavily and having severe cramps are among some signs of miscarriage within 12 weeks. Women need to be cautious about these and see their doctors if necessary. Early detection and treatment sometimes means faster recovery from such incidences.

Dealing with Recurrent Miscarriages

Some women go through recurrent miscarriages whereby they suffer many successive miscarriages. This can be very difficult and emotional. Recurrent miscarriage occurs when there are two consecutive miscarriages.

Ms. Wendy Liu of Highlander Fertility Wellness Centre knows how difficult it can be. Ms Wendy herself has had fertility problems which she overcame through fertility massage therapy. This therapy can help improve women’s reproductive health which in turn helps them overcome recurrent pregnancy losses thus raising the take-home baby rates. Ms. Wendy’s way of approaching these issues includes offering emotional support as well as practical solutions.

Miscarriage Prevention

There are some ways that a woman may prevent a miscarriage or decrease the risk of having one. It all comes down to living healthy. A balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management may all help out. Substances like tobacco and alcohol must be totally avoided to prevent issues from happening. Women need to maintain healthy lifestyles and go for regular antenatal care for a successful pregnancy.

Fertility Massage Therapy

One strategy that few people turn to with respect to fertility involves using massage therapy. It boosts the circulation of blood around the pelvis region, restores hormonal balance and creates an ideal situation for pregnancy. This is a non-intrusive method intended to get women ready for conception and ensure their reproductive health is okay.

Supporting Women Through Miscarriage

Miscarriage can be very distressing. Many women feel isolated by miscarriage which is still considered as unmentionable. It doesn’t matter whether you get it from friends, family or support groups. Discussing these experiences can help one heal emotionally. Ms. Wendy asserts that miscarriage should be openly discussed and support given freely to women who are going through it.

This is where counselling and support groups are invaluable resources for healing. This allows ladies to express their emotions and find the strength they need. This explains why it could be extremely helpful to talk to others who have experienced similar feelings concerning the emotional impact of miscarriage.

Pregnancy After a Miscarriage

Many women often think twice about having another child after experiencing a miscarriage and understandably so. However, hope isn’t lost. Although there will be some difficulty in getting pregnant after losing a baby, you can still get pregnant and carry your baby to term. As one might expect, this calls for self-care both physically and emotionally. Women are therefore supposed to talk to their doctors who would take them through their individual cases so that they can mitigate the risks involved.

Ms. Wendy advises against giving up and having faith in the process. It is necessary to give yourself time to heal by being patient. Health concerns should be focused on by women who have had a miscarriage so as to improve the chances of getting pregnant again in future with no complications.


Understanding reasons for miscarriage and how problems can be resolved will help people trying to conceive immensely. The risk factors contributing towards miscarriage should be known, its prevention measures taken and assistance sought. 

Miscarriage is hard but many women can still find hope and success in their journey towards motherhood as they are well guided on what to do about impacting positively on their health hence realising that sometimes taking care of one’s self might also mean seeking professional help just like any other medical condition; this would make them increase their odds of conceiving without experiencing further complications.

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